The Bible in the Americas
“But into all the earth their sound has gone out, and to the ends of the inhabited earth their message.”—Psalm 19:4
This journey The Met’s galleries will examine an array of art that came from the countries that influenced the development of the United States. We have spent countless hours studying and researching these works of art to help you derive the greatest benefit from your visit. The March 8, 2005 Awake! magazine contained an article entitled: “Museums – Why Are They Worth a Visit?” It said for one thing, we can “come away…with an enhanced appreciation for culture.” We think you will agree! Furthermore, it noted how “Bible students will be interested” in art that relates to the Bible and that “it is a thrill to come face-to-face with an original.” This will be your experience for sure.
While we cannot say for sure who anointed ones were in the centuries after the apostles fell asleep in death, we do know that there were always some ‘growing together’ with the weeds. (Matt 13:25, 30) In time some emerged from the long period of spiritual darkness that was foretold. No doubt, anointed ones were among those who risked their lives to translate and distribute the Bible. Others boldly proclaimed rediscovered Bible truths and were persecuted for it. Where did many of them flee? To the New World and what later became America. They came with a bold determination to worship freely and to break free from the shackles of Church and State. They took Bible reading very seriously and the Family Bible was most important object in most American homes. Does this have anything to do with our spiritual heritage today? You might be surprised.
What else can you look for on this tour?
- How were prominent figures in the Americas influenced by the Bible?
- What role did this play in prophecy and initiating the preaching work in the Americas?
- Artists use art to speak to us and you will be amazed to observe how they do this.
- Artists across the Americas copied techniques from the masters and you will enjoy it!
- You will come away with a renewed appreciation for WT art and art of all sorts.
If you have further questions concerning our Met Museum tours, please see our Frequently Asked Questions
Enjoy our other tours at the MET!
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